SITING JIANG (蒋斯汀) is a composer. He came to Japan after graduating from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music with a major in composition, and completed a master's course in computer music composition at Kunitachi College of Music, a doctoral course in creative areas at Kunitachi College of Music, and the Cursus course at IRCAM (French National Institute of Acoustic Music) (2016-2017). He creates and researches musical works combining acoustic instruments and computers, focusing on musical expression performed at the acoustic level. Part-time lecturer at Tamagawa Gakuen University.

SITING JIANG(蒋斯汀)作曲家。上海音楽院作曲専攻を卒業後来日し、国立音楽大学コンピュータ音楽作曲専攻修士課程、国立音楽大学創造領域博士課程、IRCAM(フランス国立音響音楽研究所)Cursusコース(2016-2017年)を修了。音響レベルで行う音楽表現を中心に、アコースティックの楽器とコンピュータを組み合わせた音楽作品の創作・研究を行う。玉川学園大学非常勤講師。